Donate to a fundraiser, get a drawing 🍉

Our goal is to get all of these campaigns just 1% closer to completion. That might not sound like much, but collectively every 1% can make a big difference. Scroll down to view the campaigns and click their names to donate. Then, use this Google form to submit your request as well as a screenshot of your receipt as proof of donation. Your request will be relayed to our artists!(Please note that while we will make an effort to get to all requests on stream, donating does not guarantee your request being fulfilled. Hateful or NSFW requests will not be fulfilled.)

Other Places to Donate

While we decided to focus on only a few fundraisers for the sake of concentrating funds and hopefully helping them reach their goals faster, there are many campaigns not just in Gaza but all over the world that need just as much attention and support the ones we highlighted for our streams. Below are just a small collection. We aren't setting goals for any of these, but if you would prefer to donate to them instead, we will also accept donations to the fundraisers below in exchange for requests.